Current technological developments have encouraged the production of data which is not only large in volume but also varies in terms of type. This development demands a storage media with flexibility and great performance. Relational databases that have been widely used during the last few decades are no longer relevant to use. As a solution, the NoSQL database comes with the ability to store data with large volumes and with various forms of types. NoSQL made the need for migration from relational databases increased. However, the task of migrating a relational database to a NoSQL database is not an easy task. This study proposes an early stage database migration model that can move the table schema and its data to a collection in NoSQL database. The model was built by using the SHOW COLUMN query to get a list of columns in a relational database table and SELECT to get the data in the table. In the end, data transformation conducted by formed the columns and the data into Key-Value format to be stored in the Mongodb NoSQL database. Based on experiment that have been conducted using table with 200 data row and evaluation using Black Box Testing, the proposed model is proven to work well in migrating MySQL relational database table to NoSQL MongoDB collection.
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